solar cooker diy, categorygrades35, energy, energy transfer, transfers, electric, electricity, conversion, light, sound, heat, generator, generate, generating, battery, batteries, charge, charging, motion, solar, wind, thermal, hydropower
30-60 min
Easy Solar Cooker DIYEnergy Transfer
make your own fossil diy, categorygrades35, fossil, fossils, extinct, extinction, dinosaur, dinosaurs, tar, brea, ancient, prehistoric, cat, wolf, herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, carnivores, omnivores, herbivores, paleontologist, wolf, dig, digging, fosil, fosils
30-60 min
Medium Make Your Own Fossil DIYFossils & Extinction
water filtration diy, categorygrades35, water, quality, distribution, ocean, oceans, lake, river, steam, runoff, run off, algae, water shed, watershed, watersheds, sediment, filter, filtration, biologist, marine, glacier, glaciers
30-60 min
Easy Water Filtration DIYWater Quality & Distribution
water cycle model diy, categorygrades35, water, vapor, gas, rain, water cycle, precipitation, snow, hail, cloud, clouds, weather, dew distillation, condensation, condense, evaporate, evaporation, cycle, hydrological, hydrologic, hydro, watercycle
60-120 min
Easy Water Cycle Model DIYWater Cycle (3-5 Version)
erosion model diy, categorygrades35, weathering, erosion, erosions, deposition, wind, ice, freeze, freezing, deposited, rock, rocks, sediment, sedimentary, sediments, glacier, grand canyon, river, mountain, landform, land form, land, land forms, soil, topsoil, change, changes
15-45 min
Easy Erosion Model DIYWeathering & Erosion
reaction time diy, categorygrades35, brain, nerves, nerve, nervous, sensory, sense, senses, receptor, signal, taste, touch, smell, see, hear, vision, touch, reaction time, engineer, engineering, engineers
15-30 min
Easy Reaction Time DIYBrain Processing of Senses
paper plane challenge diy, categorygrades35, structure, structures, function, functions, animal, animals, plant, plants, bone, skin, eyes, survival, endoskeleton, exoskeleton, skeleton, living, alive, life, academy, lizard, bob
30-60 min
Medium Paper Plane Challenge DIYStructure of Living Things
sedimentary rock model diy, categorygrades35, rock, layers, layer, landscape, landscapes, ancient, landscape, earth, earths, earth's, fossil, fossils, time, geologic, geology, bone, sharktooth, shark tooth, paleontology, silt, sedimentary, grand canyon, erosion, landform, landforms, land form, land forms, environment, environments
30-60 min
Easy Sedimentary Rock Model DIYEarth's Landscapes
grow an avocado plant diy, categorygrades35, life cycles, life cycle, lifecycle, lifecycles, cycles of life, butterfly, frog, babies, mate, mating, reproducing, reproduction, grow, seed, seeds, egg, birth, born, growth, mate, plants, animals, life, flowers, fruit, pollination, pollen, larvae, germination, chrysalis, seedling, metamorphosis, butterflies
15-30 min
Medium Grow an Avocado Plant DIYAnimal & Plant Life Cycles
recycled racer diy, categorygrades35, earth, earths, earth's, sphere, spheres, geosphere, biosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, recycle, recycling, rocks, rock, ice, clouds, weather, weathering, erosion, deposition, polution, pollution, green, sustainability, sustainable
30-60 min
Medium Recycled Racer DIYInteractions of Earthās Spheres
oobleck diy, categoryk2, chemical change, physical change, chemical, physical, chemical reaction, reactions, chemical reactions, chemistry, states of matter, mixture, mixtures, changes, change, elephant toothpaste, elephant, toothpaste, foam, magnatism
15-30 min
Easy Oobleck DIYSolids, Liquids and Gases
mini golf diy, categoryk2, chemical change, physical change, chemical, physical, chemical reaction, reactions, chemical reactions, chemistry, states of matter, mixture, mixtures, changes, change, elephant toothpaste, elephant, toothpaste, foam, magnatism
15-30 min
Easy Mini Golf DIYPushes and Pulls
sorting game diy, categoryk2, chemical change, physical change, chemical, physical, chemical reaction, reactions, chemical reactions, chemistry, states of matter, mixture, mixtures, changes, change, elephant toothpaste, elephant, toothpaste, foam, magnatism
20-30 min
Easy Sorting Game DIYClassification of Materials
scratch & sniff diy, categoryk2, sense, senses, see, hear, touch, taste, smell, see, eye, eyes, ear, ears, mouth, tongue, tonge, nose, noses, skin, hands, seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, tasteing, smelling, seeing
15-30 min
Easy Scratch & Sniff DIYThe Five Senses
make a seed model diy, categoryk2, pollen, pollens, pollin, polen, pollinator, pollinators, pollination, pollinating, pollenator, pollenators, pollenation, pollenating, seed, seeds, disperse, dispersal, dispersing, dispersor, plant, plants, bee, bugs, bug
15-30 min
Easy Make a Seed Model DIYPollination and Seed Dispersal
rainbow crayon diy, categoryk2, heating, cooling, heat, cool, hotter, colder, temperature, degree, degrees, reversible, not reversibe, non-reversible, nonreversible, fahrenheit, celsius, melting, melt, freeze, freezing
20-40 min
Medium Rainbow Crayon DIYHeating and Cooling
paper mache diy, categoryk2, human impacts, impact, recycle, recycling, reduce, reuse, three rs, 3 rs, waste, dump, dumping, three r's, 3 r's, landfill, conserve, land, air, pollute, pollution
30-45 min
Medium Paper Mache DIYReducing Our Impact on Earth
make a landscape diy, categoryk2, map, maps, physical map, topographic, topographical, mapping, landform, landforms, land form, land forms, mountain, mountains, forest, forests, geography
20-30 min
Easy Make a Landscape DIYMaps of Landforms
shake table diy, categoryk2, erosion, time, timescale, time scale, time scales, earthquake, earth quake, earthquakes, volcano, volcanoes, fast, slow, quick, quickly, slowly, magnitude
30 min
Medium Shake Table DIYTimescale of Earth's Events
make your own paper diy, categoryk2, natural resources, natural resource, recycle, recycling, reduce, reuse, sustainable, sustainability, landfill, conserve, wood, trees, land, air, pollute, pollution
20-40 min
Medium Make Your Own Paper DIYNatural Resources
dancing raisins diy, categoryk2, investigate, clue, clues, science, what is science, what is science?, experiment, experimentation, science, scientist, engineer, engineering, evidence, practice, practices, method, scientific, control, controlled, astronomy, biology, chemistry, paleontology, evidence, claim, claims, variable, variables, inquiry, investigation, investigations, law, laws, theory, theories, hypothesis
15-20 min
Easy Dancing Raisins DIYWhat Is Science? (K-2 Version)
"My students loved the videos. I started the video subscription in May and used them as a review before the state test, which I know contributed to 100% of my class passing the state test."
"My students loved the videos. I started the video subscription in May and used them as a review before the state test, which I know contributed to 100% of my class passing the state test."
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