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Oceans, Lakes and Rivers Activity for Kids
Lake Formation DIY
- Duration: 20 min
- Difficulty: Easy
- Cost: $0 to $5
Explore how water flows over a landscape!
Material List
- 1Large piece of wax paper
- 1Marker
- 1Baking pan or similar container
- 1Blue food coloring
- 1Spray bottle with water
- 1Take a piece of wax paper and crumple it into a ball.
- 2Next, straighten the wax paper out a little bit, leaving some bumps and ridges.
- 3Place the wax paper into the baking pan.
- 4Circle the places on the wax paper where you think rain will collect.
- 5Put 4-5 drops of blue food coloring into the spray bottle of water.
- 6Now mist the wax paper evenly to make it ārainā and observe.
How It Works
The wax paper is a lot like a landscape. The bumps and grooves are like mountains, hills and valleys. When it rains, gravity pulls the rain down, so it ends up collecting in the lower areas. This is why many lakes are found next to mountains. Rain water can run down a mountain and into a lake.
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