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How Do We Use Food Activity for Kids

Windowsill Garden DIY

  • Duration: 15-30 min
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Cost: $0 to $5

Create your own windowsill garden that uses energy from the sun!

Material List

  • 3 Plastic water bottles
  • 1Pair of scissors
  • 1Box of potting soil
  • 1 Packet of tomato seeds (or other herbs/spices/vegetables)
  • 1Spray bottle with water


  • 1Carefully cut off the bottoms of the plastic bottles.
  • 2Fill the bottle bottoms about ¾ of the way with soil and pack the soil loosely.
  • 3Make 3 small holes in the soil with your finger. Place a seed in each hole and cover it with soil.
  • 4Add water to the soil using a few sprays from a spray bottle (make it damp but not soggy).
  • 5Place the bottle bottoms on a windowsill that receives a lot of sunlight.
  • 6Water the seeds every 3 days. Make sure the soil is moist but not soggy.
  • 7In a few weeks, you will see the seedling stage - it takes about 3 months to fully grow the plants.
  • 8When the plant is a few inches tall, transfer it to a larger container.

How It Works

Tiny seeds grow into plants by using water, sunlight, and air. Energy from the sun is captured by the plant's leaves and used to create food for the plant. This happens because of a process called photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use sunlight to make sugar from carbon dioxide and water. When a person eats the plant, they can use the energy which originally came from the sun!

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