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Multicellular Organisms Activity for Kids

Chicken Wing Dissection DIY

  • Duration: 30 min
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Cost: $0 to $10

Dissect a chicken wing to see how body systems work together!

Material List

  • 1Pair of Gloves
  • 1Pair of Scissors
  • 1Tray
  • 1Sheet of wax paper
  • 1Raw Chicken Wing


  • 1Snip the loose flap of skin on the chicken wing.
  • 2Use gloved hands to peel back the skin.
  • 3Observe parts of the muscular, nervous, and circulatory systems.
  • 4Cut the muscles to observe the skeletal system.
  • 5Once finished, throw away your gloves.
  • 6Use soap and water to wash your hands, scissors, and tray.
  • CautionRemember to have adult supervision.

How It Works

Body systems work together to help living things survive. When the skin is removed, the chicken's body systems can be more closely observed. For example, the bicep is part of the muscular system. The thin white lines in the muscles are called nerves, and they tell the muscles when to contract. Nerves are a part of the nervous system. The blood vessels deliver nutrients to the muscle and remove waste. They are part of the circulatory system. When cutting the bicep muscle, you can see the bones it is connected to, which are part of the skeletal system. They give living things structure and places for muscles to attach. If one of these systems stopped working, the chicken wouldn’t be able to survive.

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