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Predicting Natural Disasters Activity for Kids

Make an Emergency Kit DIY

  • Duration: 20-30 min
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Cost: $0 to $50

Learn how to make an emergency kit for natural disasters!

Material List

  • 1Storage bin
  • 1Gallon of water per person per day
  • 3 Days worth of canned food (or other non-perishable foods)
  • 1Set of flashlights and batteries
  • 1First aid kit
  • 1Pack of candles and matches
  • 1Envelope with copies of important family documents
  • 1Tool kit
  • 1Can opener
  • 1Roll of duct tape
  • 1Package of toilet paper & tall plastic bags


  • 1Pack all of the items in the storage bin.
  • 2Keep it somewhere safe and accessible in the event of a natural disaster.
  • 3Check your kit once a year to make sure it is ready to go.

How It Works

Experts recommend making an emergency kit with at least 3 days worth of essential supplies for you and your family to prepare for natural disasters. Make sure to recheck your kits once a year, to make sure you’re ready to go. Your kit can have more things than described in the video. Remember, we can't stop natural disasters from happening, but we can take steps (like making an emergency kit) to reduce their impact.

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