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Living vs. Non-Living Things Activity for Kids

Nature Walk DIY

  • Duration: 15-30 min
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Cost: $0

Go on a nature walk and classify things as living or non-living!

Material List

  • 1Clipboard with paper
  • 1Pencil
  • 1Nature area like a garden, park, backyard, etc


  • 1Draw a line down the middle of a page on the clipboard.
  • 2Label one column living and the other column non-living.
  • 3Walk around a garden, backyard or park and make observations with your senses.
  • 4Find objects that are living or non-living.
  • 5Draw and label the objects under the correct column on your paper.
  • 6Be able to give a reason for your classification.

How It Works

Living things have three primary traits. They grow; need food and water which means they take in nutrients; and reproduce which means they make more things like themselves. Kittens, fish, birds, trees, insects, grass and even people are examples of living things. Anything that does not need nutrients, does not grow or does not reproduce is non-living. Some examples of non-living things are robots, hats, food, and tables.

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