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Human Body Systems Activity for Kids
Human Digestion Model DIY
- Duration: 30-45 min
- Difficulty: Easy
- Cost: $0 to $5
Model how the digestive system works to break down food!
Material List
- 1Soft foods (like bread and bananas)
- 1Crunchy foods (like chips and oatmeal)
- 1Large bowl
- 1Pitcher of water
- 1Bottle of orange juice
- 1Stocking or large white sock
- 1Plate
- 1Blender
- 1Pair of non-latex gloves
- 1Using your hands, break up the foods in a bowl (this represents chewing).
- 2Add water and keep mashing it with your hands (the water represents saliva).
- 3Transfer the mixture to a blender and add orange juice (the juice represents stomach acid).
- 4Blend it up for 10-20 seconds (this process represents your stomach).
- 5Transfer the mixture to a stocking (the stocking represents your intestines).
- 6Squeeze the stocking to release the juices (the liquid represents the nutrients your body uses).
- 7Once all the liquid is gone, squeeze out the solids (this is what happens when you go to the bathroom...).
How It Works
The human body must break down food into smaller pieces before it can be digested. The first step in this breakdown process happens in the mouth with chewing. Chewing helps break the food down into smaller pieces and saliva that is made in your mouth also helps break down food. Once in your stomach, the food is mixed with stomach acid. It then moves through the small and large intestine where nutrients are absorbed. Those nutrients go into your bloodstream, and are then sent to all the different human body systems to use!
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