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What Is Science? (K-2 Version) Activity for Kids

Dancing Raisins DIY

  • Duration: 15-20 min
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Cost: $0 to $5

Conduct an experiment to learn why raisins appear to ‘dance’ in soda!

Material List

  • 1Small box of raisins
  • 1Bottle of clear soda
  • 1Cup of water
  • 2Tall glasses or plastic cups


  • 1Pour the clear soda into a tall glass.
  • 2Put 10 raisins in the glass of soda.
  • 3Observe what happens to the raisins.
  • 4Next, pour water into a second glass.
  • 5Put 10 raisins in the glass of water.
  • 6Observe what happens to the raisins.

How It Works

When you place the raisins into the soda, tiny bubbles from the soda attach to the wrinkles in the raisins. As more and more bubbles collect on each raisin, the raisin will float to the top. Once at the top, the bubbles pop, release the gas and the raisin sinks to the bottom. This continues, and the raisins appear to dance. In comparison, when you place the raisins in water, nothing happens. Since there are no bubbles in water, no gas attaches to each raisin, so they just remain on the bottom of the glass.

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