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Animal Group Behavior Activity for Kids

Ant Farm DIY

  • Duration: 15-30 min
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Cost: $0 to $5

Make your own ant farm to observe animal group behavior!

Material List

  • 2 Different-sized plastic containers with lids
  • 1Box of sand
  • 1BBQ skewer
  • 1Apple
  • 1Cup of water
  • 1Tube of ants (can be bought from Ants Alive for $5)


  • 1Place the lid on the smaller container, and place it inside the larger container.
  • 1Add sand around the smaller container to fill the larger container about ¾ full.
  • 2Use the skewer to start some tunnels through the sand near the sides.
  • 3Place the tube of ants into the refrigerator for 10 min to slow them down.
  • 3Gently tap on the tube to release the ants onto the sand.
  • 4Add a small apple slice and a tablespoon of water in the middle of the sand.
  • 5Poke pin holes in the large lid and keep the container sealed.
  • 5The ants build their tunnels over a few days.
  • Warning:Ants can pinch you - use non-latex gloves and put them in the fridge before transferring.
  • Ant Care Tips:Do not keep them in direct sunlight - a cool room temperature of 60-70 degrees F is best. Add a teaspoon of water and a tiny piece of apple once a week.

How It Works

Ants live in groups called colonies. They each play a role in a larger community. Together they build systems of tunnels for shelter and to protect their young (larva). They also work together as a group to collect food and bring it back to the developing larva. We call this "Animal Group Behavior!"

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