Greenhouse Effect Definition
The greenhouse effect is the process of gases in the atmosphere absorbing infrared light, which keeps Earth warm. For example, carbon dioxide redirect infrared light back toward Earth.
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Intro to Climate Change
Fun Facts
- Without the greenhouse effect, Earth's temperature would be -18℃.
- The greenhouse effect is a good thing for life on Earth because without it, the Earth would be too cold.
- Humans adding greenhouse gases to the atmosphere is called the Enhanced Greenhouse Effect and is responsible for the current warming trend.
Why Do We Need To Know About Greenhouse Effect
Learning about the greenhouse effect helps you see how it changes our climate and why it’s important to lessen its bad effects. This is used in real life, like making biofuels. Biofuels take plants and turn them into energy we can renew, which helps us use less oil and gas and puts less carbon into the air.
Scientists and engineers are leading the way in finding better ways to make energy, like safer nuclear power and better solar panels. Knowing about the greenhouse effect is key for these jobs because it guides them in fighting climate change and working on new energy options.
Frequently Asked Questions
Check out the Full Lesson on Intro to Climate Change
In this lesson, we learn that:
- Climate is the average weather over many years.
- The Earth's average temperature has increased rapidly over the past century.
- Scientists collect data to understand why the temperature is changing and what could be done about it.
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