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Synthetic Materials Definition

Synthetic materials are created by humans from natural resources. For example, plastics are produced with specific characteristics for various applications.

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Synthetic Materials

Fun Facts

  • Plastics are synthetic materials that are commonly made from fossil fuels.
  • Nylon is a synthetic material formed by a chemical reaction between two liquids.
  • The misuse of synthetic materials can have negative consequences, such as the Great Trash Island in the Pacific Ocean.

Why Do We Need To Know About Synthetic Materials

Learning about man-made materials helps us see how important they are in our daily lives. These materials are useful in many areas like health care, clothes, and energy. They are everywhere!

Knowing about these materials can help you think about jobs in science, helping the environment, or making new medicines. People are even making earth-friendly plastics and new stuff like fake spider silk, which is good for the planet and businesses.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are synthetic materials?
A synthetic material is one in which the substances are deliberately joined together to produce a material with different characteristics. Some synthetic materials form from mixtures, but most are the result of chemical reactions.
What are natural resources?
Natural resources are resources that exist without humans having any role in their formation.
How are plastics formed?
Plastics are formed from chemicals that are mixed together and chemically react to create carbon-based molecule chains called monomers. A variety of different chemicals can be used to make plastics, but the most common one today is petroleum.
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