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Snow Definition

Snow occurs when rain freezes into a solid while it's falling from the sky. For example, cold conditions transform precipitation into snow.

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Introduction to Weather

Fun Facts

  • Weather is the combination of snow, sunlight, wind, and temperature in a particular region at a particular time.
  • Snow is made of frozen water.
  • Snow is frozen rain accumulating on the ground.

Why Do We Need To Know About Snow

Learning about snow helps us know more about the weather. It’s important to predict when it’s going to snow. This is important not just for people who work in farming, transportation, and planning outdoor events. They need this information to make smart choices to keep people safe and to use their resources wisely.

Knowing about snow helps us take care of our water supplies, reduce the risk of disasters, and work on protecting the environment. Studying snow and how it affects things is key for preventing dangerous avalanches, and dealing with floods caused by snow melting. Learning about the weather is useful for many real-life situations.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kinds of things can we see if we look at the sky?
You might see clouds, sun, rain, airplanes, kites, snow, lightning and more.
What are clouds made of?
Clouds are made up of tiny droplets of water.
How do scientists predict the weather?
Scientists use patterns to make predictions about the weather. For example if they know that weather almost always moves from west to east, they can predict which way a thunderstorm will move.
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