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Precipitation Definition

Precipitation is water falling from clouds. For example, rain or snow.

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Introduction to Weather

Fun Facts

  • Rain occurs when drops of water fall from clouds in the sky.
  • Snow happens when rain freezes into a solid as it's falling down.
  • Too much rainy weather can sometimes lead to flooding or mudslides.

Why Do We Need To Know About Precipitation

Learning about rain and other forms of precipitation helps us understand how nature stays balanced and why it’s important to take care of our water. Rain is important because it helps plants grow and provides us with drinking water. Rain plays a role in farming, protecting nature, and making sure we have clean water to drink.

Also, studying how precipitation works can lead to jobs in weather forecasting, and planning for natural disasters. Scientists study weather patterns to predict what will happen next. They use tools like rain gauges to gather data on precipitation. This helps in understanding how climate change affects us, and warning people about severe weather to keep everyone safe.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kinds of things can we see if we look at the sky?
You might see clouds, sun, rain, airplanes, kites, snow, lightning and more.
What are clouds made of?
Clouds are made up of tiny droplets of water.
How do scientists predict the weather?
Scientists use patterns to make predictions about the weather. For example if they know that weather almost always moves from west to east, they can predict which way a thunderstorm will move.
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