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Chemistry Definition

Chemistry studies how substances interact and change to form new substances. For example, through chemical reactions, atoms rearrange to form new molecules.

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Chemical Reactions

Fun Facts

  • Chemists combine substances based on their properties, which determine how they will interact to form new chemicals.
  • Chemists study interactions between substances to solve problems and advance the world of science.
  • Chemical engineers study chemical reactions to make medicines and form new products that solve unique problems.

Why Do We Need To Know About Chemistry

Chemistry helps us understand how everything around us is made and why things work the way they do. It’s helps us make new medicines that can make us healthier. For example, by mixing chemicals in different ways, scientists can create new medicines that fight diseases better.

Also, knowing about chemistry can lead to jobs where you solve real-life problems. Chemical engineers might work on making rockets better with new types of fuel, and other scientists use chemistry to invent things like bendy solar panels or clothes that can charge your phone. This shows how chemistry is key to making new technologies and helping the environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is a physical change different from a chemical change?
In a physical change, no new substances are formed. In a chemical change, new substances are formed.
How do you know a chemical reaction has happened?
If a new substance is formed, it has different properties.
Give an example of a chemical change.
Steel wool burning, which causes the iron to combine with oxygen and form iron oxide.
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