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Meteorologist Definition

A meteorologist studies the atmosphere to predict weather. For example, they analyze data to create forecasts shared on TV.

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Weather vs. Climate

Fun Facts

  • Meteorologists study weather using tools like thermometers and barometers.
  • Meteorologists make predictions by analyzing data from satellites.
  • Meteorologists use green screens to present forecasts on TV.

Why Do We Need To Know About Meteorologist

Studying weather, or meteorology, helps us know why weather is important for our daily lives and jobs like farming or flying planes. People who study weather, called meteorologists, predict what the weather will be like. This is really helpful for knowing if we need to water crops, what clothes to wear, and how animals and plants are doing in our environment.

Meteorologists give important information to pilots about when it’s safe to fly and to farmers about the best time to plant their crops. They also help protect the environment and plan missions to space, like sending rovers to Mars. Learning about weather is useful for many things in our day-to-day life and for big projects and careers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the weather forecast shown in the video the same every day? Explain.
No, each day the temperature changes. Whether or not it is going to be sunny or cloudy also changes.
Why do Izzy and Zoe think they should be wearing summer clothes? Explain.
Zoe and Izzy live in a climate where it is typically warm in June. They expected it to be warm but didn’t check the weather forecast before they got dressed.
Why was Dr. Jeff wearing warm clothes in the summer? Explain.
Dr. Jeff knew that although the weather where he lives is usually warm in June, it can change day-to-day. He checked the forecast and realized it was cold so he put on warm clothes.
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