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Fresh Water Definition

Fresh water is found in lakes, rivers, glaciers, and underground. It is not salty like the ocean's water.

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Oceans, Lakes and Rivers

Fun Facts

  • One of the biggest groups of fresh water lakes is called the Great Lakes located in the United States.
  • Groundwater is fresh water found beneath the Earth's surface.
  • Only 3% of water on Earth is fresh water.

Why Do We Need To Know About Fresh Water

Learning about fresh water helps us see how important it is for plants, animals, and many activities we do every day. We need fresh water to drink, grow food, stay healthy, and keep nature diverse.

Knowing about fresh water can lead to jobs in environmental science, managing water, and protecting nature. It also helps us tackle problems like not having enough water, keeping water clean, and dealing with changes in our climate.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is salt water?
Salt water is all the water found in the oceans. It has salt in it.

What is fresh water?
Fresh water is all the other types of water found on Earth that is not salt water. Fresh water is found in lakes, rivers, glaciers and underground.
What is groundwater?
Groundwater is fresh water found beneath the Earth’s surface. Groundwater can be found in the cracks and spaces between soil, sand and rocks.
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