Sodium Alginate Worms

Pull out the bag with the big bottle in it. Place everything around the white mat and put the bag back in your box.
Place the square clear dish in the middle of the mat. Then, pour half of the sodium alginate into the container using a zig-zag motion.
Place your pipette in the center of a color drop. While touching the pipette to the bottom, slowly move it away from the drop.
Repeat the steps above for the next color. Continue drawing with the remaining colors. Create fun shapes!
Try drawing lines through all of the colors or adding swirls. You can even add a few more drops of color to your dish.
Add 20 drops of blue food coloring to the bottle of sodium alginate and put the cap back on tight. Gently flip back and forth 20 times until the color is fully mixed.
Pour your colored sodium alginate liquid into one of the plastic cups. Then, fill the other cup ¾ of the way with water. Tip: cold water works best.
Empty the entire tube of Calcium Lactate Gluconate into the cup of water and begin mixing right away for 10 seconds until the powder is dissolved.
Using the syringe, pull back on the plunger and fill it with the blue sodium alginate until it reaches the “10” mark.
How It Works
Our second part of our experiment makes a chemical reaction, which is when two chemicals are mixed together and makes something new. For our worms, we mixed the chemical with our seaweed in it into our chemical with the calcium in it and it formed a gel. That gel is made out of Calcium Alginate and only forms where the two liquids touch. This material has some real-life uses, like making fruit juices into a jelly ball. It is also used to help wounds heal faster.
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