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Science Kit #1

Welcome to Generation Genius Science Kit #1 🎉

This month, you'll explore fascinating materials that can make a "worm" instantly, glow in the dark, and change colors after a countdown. Start with experiment 1 below!
<p>Sodium Alginate <span>Worms</span>.</p>
Experiment 1

Sodium Alginate Worms.

Learn about how chemical reactions between two natural resources can form new synthetic materials.

<p>Create Light <span>Paintings</span>.</p>
Experiment 2

Create Light Paintings.

Learn about the powers of light and how ultraviolet light reacts with special materials that release as a glow.

<p>Iodine Clock <span>Reactions</span>.</p>
Experiment 3

Iodine Clock Reactions.

Learn about clock reactions and how changing the amount of chemicals impacts the time it takes to appear.

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