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Read About Traits

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Introduction to Traits | Reading Material | Grades K-2

Traits are features of living things that that can be passed down from parents to their children. All living things have traits that help them survive.

To better understand how traits work…

WHAT ARE TRAITS?. Traits are features of living things that that can be passed down from parents to their children. All living things have traits that help them survive. To better understand how traits work…


Animals have similar traits to their parents.

scientist compares the traits of rabbits

A baby bunny might have some traits that are similar to its mom, and other traits that are similar to its dad. Traits are passed down from parents to their babies.

Animals have similar traits to their parents. A baby bunny might have some traits that are similar to its mom, and other traits that are similar to its dad. Traits are passed down from parents to their babies.
scientist compares the traits of rabbits

Every living thing has specific traits that we can see.

rabbit in the wild licking its paws

A rabbit has certain traits that make it a rabbit. All rabbits have whiskers, two ears, soft fur, a small tail and large back feet for hopping around.

Every living thing has specific traits that we can see. A rabbit has certain traits that make it a rabbit. All rabbits have whiskers, two ears, soft fur, a small tail and large back feet for hopping around.
rabbit in the wild licking its paws

Baby animals get some traits from both parents.

comparing the inherited traits of three chameleons

Baby chameleons have traits from both their mom and dad. One baby chameleon has a short tail like its mom, while the other baby has a long tail like its dad.

Baby animals get some traits from both parents. Baby chameleons have traits from both their mom and dad. One baby chameleon has a short tail like its mom, while the other baby has a long tail like its dad.
comparing the inherited traits of three chameleons

Animals of the same kind have similarities and differences.

comparing the hair color and patterns of three monkeys

All monkeys have tails, opposable thumbs, fur and teeth. These traits can vary in small ways to allow them to tell each other apart. Traits can also help them survive.

Animals of the same kind have similarities and differences. All monkeys have tails, opposable thumbs, fur and teeth. These traits can vary in small ways to allow them to tell each other apart. Traits can also help them survive.
comparing the hair color and patterns of three monkeys

Even plants have traits that we can see.

plants growing in the dirt exhibiting different traits

Plant leaves can be big or small. They can also come in different shapes. Even plants of the same kind have small differences just like we saw with animals.

Even plants have traits that we can see. Plant leaves can be big or small. They can also come in different shapes. Even plants of the same kind have small differences just like we saw with animals.
plants growing in the dirt exhibiting different traits


The mom and dad of a living thing.
The babies of animals.
Features of an individual that can be passed down from parents to kids.
To stay alive.
Things that are the same.
Things that are different.
To be different in some specific way.


What are some traits you can think of?

Things like eye color, hair color and height are examples of traits we can easily see.

Why do bunnies from the same parents look different from each other?

The bunnies may have some traits from the mom and some from the dad. Most of the bunnies have traits from both parents.

What traits do all chameleons share?

Chameleons all have scales on their skin. They also have tails, two eyes, a sticky tongue and they walk on all fours.

What are some differences you might find in a family of chameleons?

Their scales might be different colors or they could have different patterns. Their tails also might be different lengths. Some chameleons are bigger than others.

What traits do all monkeys share?

Monkeys all have long tails that help them hang from trees. They all have two eyes, fur and opposable thumbs to help them grab things.

What are some differences you might find in a group of monkeys?

Their fur color and eye color might be different. The size of their teeth might be different, too. Monkeys of the same kind can have small differences in the shape of their noses and chins.
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