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Science Kit #2

Welcome to Generation Genius Science Kit #2 🎉

This month, you'll explore materials that can make instant snow, create electric rainbows, and make liquid glow. Start with Instant Snow below!
<p>Produce Instant <span>Snow</span>.</p>
Experiment 4

Produce Instant Snow.

Learn about how polymers can absorb water to make new materials like gels, fake snow and more.

<p>Rainbow <span>Electrolysis</span>.</p>
Experiment 5

Rainbow Electrolysis.

Learn how electricity from a battery can change the properties of water resulting in awesome color changes.

<p>The Glowing <span>Bottle</span>.</p>
Experiment 6

The Glowing Bottle.

Learn about chemical reactions that glow and how a catalyst makes that reaction go much faster.

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